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Comprehensive Day 1 CPT Application Guide: Navigating the Process at Top Day 1 CPT Universities

Quick Overview

If CPT authorization processing time and requirements are your top concerns when selecting Day 1 CPT universities, this article is for you. A smooth transition from OPT to Day 1 CPT is crucial to avoid work interruptions and secure your employment. This article compares Day 1 CPT application requirements at Monroe College, Sofia University, Harrisburg University, CIAM, and Westcliff University, helping you streamline the process and prevent disruptions to your career.

🔸 CPT Application Step-by-Step Guide
🔸 Day 1 CPT Universities & Their CPT Application Time Compare
🔸 Other Things to Consider While Using Day 1 CPT

CPT Application in 7 Steps

Although specific requirements and processes vary by institution, the general steps outlined here apply to most Day 1 CPT universities

Step 1: Verify Eligibility
To be eligible for CPT at Day 1 CPT universities, you must have a valid F-1 status and be a graduate student whose program requires immediate participation in CPT. Maintaining the required GPA is also crucial; some universities permit part-time CPT for lower GPAs, while others require a GPA above 3.0 for full-time CPT. Additionally, ensure you are enrolled in or can enroll in the required internship course directly related to your degree program.
Step 2: Secure a Job Offer

To proceed with CPT application, you must secure a job directly related to your major. The job offer letter from your employer should include key details such as job title, start and end dates, work location, job description, and weekly hours.

Some Day 1 CPT universities may require a Cooperative Education/Internship Agreement signed by both you and your employer to formalize the terms of your internship or employment.

Step 3: Gather and Submit Required Documents

To apply for CPT at Day 1 CPT universities, start by completing the CPT application form available through your university's online portal. Ensure your job offer letter is on company letterhead, signed, and includes all required details. Depending on your university's requirements, you may need to submit additional documents like:

  • Academic Work Placement (AWP) form
  • Proof of tuition payment
  • Cooperative Agreement.

Once all documents are ready, submit them to the appropriate department, typically the Designated School Official (DSO) or Registrar’s Office, by the specified deadline.

Step 4: Submit CPT Application

To submit your CPT application, log in to your university’s online system, such as Terra Dotta or Suncas. Follow the prompts to complete the online CPT request and upload the required documents prepared in Step 3.

After submission, allow for the university’s specified processing time, typically 5-14 business days, before receiving your new Form I-20 with CPT authorization.

Step 5: Receive & Confirm CPT Authorization

Once your CPT request is approved, you will receive an updated Form I-20 with the CPT authorization on page 2.

It is important to carefully review the details on your I-20, including the authorized employer, work dates, and any specific conditions.

You may begin working only on or after the CPT start date listed on your I-20 if everything checks out find, otherwise contact your DSO ASAP.

Step 6: Maintain Compliance During CPT

To remain eligible for CPT, you must continue to maintain full-time enrollment and meet the GPA requirements set by your university. Adhere to the work hours allowed under your CPT authorization—whether part-time or full-time—and ensure your employment stays within the authorized dates. Since CPT is typically authorized on a term-by-term basis, be prepared to reapply each semester if you plan to continue working.

Step 7: Renewal and Reapplication

Remember that you need to reapply for CPT each semester, ensuring all documents, including a new job offer letter if applicable, are updated. To avoid delays, make sure to submit your renewal applications well in advance of the next semester.

Job Offer Letter Sample

截屏2024-08-26 下午5.08.06

Cooperative Agreement Sample


截屏2024-08-26 下午5.09.19


Job Offer Letter Sample & Cooperative Agreement
CPT job offer letter sample
Cooperative Agreement Sample for CPT application

Comparing CPT Processing Times Across Day 1 CPT Universities

When applying for Day 1 CPT, understanding the specific requirements and processing times at different universities is crucial for international students. This comparison covers seven institutions, including Monroe College, Westcliff University, and Sofia University, among others. Each school has unique deadlines, required documents, and processing times that can significantly impact how quickly you can secure CPT approval. This guide helps you navigate these differences, ensuring a smooth application process and minimizing potential disruptions to your work or studies.

Monore University (Formerly known as Monroe College)

☁️ Difficulty: Moderate

◽ Application Deadlines: Two application windows per semester, one in the first two weeks and another in the middle two weeks of the semester.
◽ Required Documents: Job offer letter, I-94 form, F1 CPT request form, Graduate Professional Experience form.
◽ Contact Email:
◽ Processing Time: 3-5 business days, but it is recommended to submit applications two weeks in advance.
◽ CPT Fees: Fee for the CPT internship course. (0.5 credit per semester)
◽ Renewal Frequency: every semester

🔗 More Information About: Monroe University (aka Monroe College)

Westcliff University

☁️ Difficulty: Easy

◽ Application Deadlines: Two application windows per semester, one in the first two weeks and another in the middle two weeks of the semester.
◽ Required Documents: Job offer letter, Cooperative Education/Internship Agreement, tuition payment proof.
◽ Contact Email: designated academic advisor's email
◽ Processing Time: 3-5 business days
◽ CPT Fees: Fee for the CPT internship course. (1 credit per semester)
◽ Renewal Frequency: yearly

🔗 More Information About: Westcliff University

Sofia University

☁️ Difficulty: Moderate

◽ Application Deadlines: Earliest application deadline for Fall 2024 is September 16; the final deadline is October 7. Actual class start date is Sep 30
◽ Required Documents: CPT application form, job offer letter, job description, WIL/CPT application form.
◽ Contact Email:
◽ Processing Time: 5-10 business days.
◽ CPT Fees: No fee for CPT
◽ Renewal Frequency: every quarter

🔗 More Information About: Sofia University 

Harrisburg University

☁️ Difficulty: Moderate

◽ Application Deadlines: Documents must be submitted with the application, and the job offer letter must be less than 30 days old.
◽ Required Documents: AWP form, job offer letter, job description, tuition payment proof.
◽ Contact Email: no email, ticket system.
◽ Processing Time: 5 business days.
◽ CPT Fees: No fee for CPT
◽ Renewal Frequency: yearly

🔗 More Information About: Harrisburg University


☁️ Difficulty: Moderate to High

◽ Application Deadlines: Must submit the application at least one week before the projected start date.
◽ Required Documents: Internship application form, job offer letter (including job details).
◽ Contact Email:,
◽ Processing Time: 2 weeks.
◽ CPT Fees: First two semesters are free, then $500 per semester thereafter.
◽ Renewal Frequency: Must reapply each semester.

🔗 More Information About: California Institute of Advanced Management 

New England College

☁️ Difficulty: Moderate

◽ Application Deadlines: Must submit the application at least one week before the projected start date.
◽ Required Documents: Employment Agreement Form, job offer letter (including job details).
◽ Contact Email:
◽ Processing Time: 2 weeks.
◽ CPT Fees: No fee for CPT
◽ Renewal Frequency: Must reapply each semester.

🔗 More Information About: New England College

Talk to an Advisor

If you're feeling overwhelmed, our team of experts is here to help. We can assist with understanding eligibility, gathering required documents, and guiding you through the application process, making your journey to the United States as stress-free as possible.

Other Things to Consider While Using Day 1 CPT

While enjoying your Day 1 CPT, here are some knowledge points to bare in mind: 

Monitor CPT's Impact on OPT Eligibility

Using more than 12 months of full-time CPT at Day 1 CPT universities can make you ineligible for OPT. However, part-time CPT (less than 20 hours/week) does not affect your OPT eligibility.

Managing Multiple Jobs

Day 1 CPT allows you to hold multiple jobs as long as each is related to your field of study. Remember, your primary role is as a full-time student. Working more than 40 hours per week is uncommon and not recommended as it may raise concerns during future USCIS evaluations.

Update Your CPT Information

You must update your Designated School Official (DSO) with any employment changes during CPT renewal. This includes switching jobs, adding employers, or changing duties. Your DSO will ensure the new role aligns with your field of study.

Flexible CPT Application Timelines

Not all Day 1 CPT universities have strict CPT application deadlines. For instance, Tennessee Wesleyan University allows CPT applications anytime after securing a job. If this flexibility is essential for you, consult with us to create a personalized CPT timeline.

Is CPT Mandatory at Day 1 CPT Universities?

Some Day 1 CPT universities, like New England College, requires CPT as a mandatory part of the curriculum. Others, such as Westcliff University, have more flexible requirements, with only one semester of internship needed to graduate.In case you can't find a job while studying, even without CPT, you can graduate from Day 1 CPT universities such as, Humphreys University, Saint Peter's University, McDaniel College, University of the Cumberlands and others.

Related CPTDog Resources        

            Cheapest Day 1 CPT Universities
            Day 1 CPT FAQ
            Companies Accept Day 1 CPT
            OPT to Day 1 CPT Transition Guide
            OPT and STEM OPT Guide
            H1B Guide & FAQ

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