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OPT - Optional Practical Training

OPT provides international students with the opportunity to work off-campus in fields related to their major for up to 12 months (36 months for STEM students). It serves as an excellent pathway to enter the US job market. Gaining internship experiences not only enhances your chances of being hired but also provides financial support to assist with the high tuition fees associated with studying in the US.

OPT Ending Soon, But No H1B? CPTDog Is Here to Help:

✓ One-on-One Free Consultation
✓ Personalized Day 1 CPT Plan as H1B Alternative
✓ Application Fee Wavier & Application Assistant 

* Our consultants are committed to providing a seamless experience. Once you initiate a case with us, you will be assigned a specific consultant who will thoroughly understand your case, ensuring that there's no need for you to repeat information each time you call. We will not change your consultant unless you request it.


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