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Student ReviewMay 23, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

Understanding the Purpose of Day 1 CPT

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is an essential component of the US study experience for many international students. It is a type of employment authorization provided by the USCIS for F-1 students (non-immigrant foreign students), allowing them to gain practical and industry-specific experience in their field of study. This guide will help you understand the purpose of CPT and how it can benefit your academic and career goals.

What is thepurpose of CPT?

The primary purpose of CPT is to allow international students to apply the theories and principles they learn in the classroom to a real-world work environment. It is intended to be an integral part of the established curriculum of your study program.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is an optional training program that allows F-1 students to gain practical experience in their field of study. CPT can be paid or unpaid, and it can be part-time (up to 20 hours per week) or full-time (more than 20 hours per week). 

What are the benefits of CPT?

  • Academic growth - CPT offers the opportunity to apply academic knowledge to practical scenarios, thereby enhancing understanding and retention of the course material.

  • Professional development - CPT provides real-world experience, thus helping you build a professional network and develop essential skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. It also allows international students to understand the US work culture and business etiquette, facilitating their integration into the professional environment.

  • Career advancement -Having CPT experience can make students more marketable to future employers both in the US and in their home country.

CPT serves as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, contributing significantly to the holistic development of international students. Understanding the benefits and the purpose of CPT is crucial for maximizing its benefits. 

If you’re interested in leveraging CPT as an international student, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with all applicable regulations and seek guidance from an educational consultant to ensure that you meet all the requirements. CPTDog is here to help.


Student Review

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