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同学投稿Mar 10, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

Day 1 CPT Programs - Everything You Need to Know

For most international students in the United States, being able to study and work simultaneously is a privilege. Not only are work and study programs an excellent way to gain extra cash, but they can also help you gain relevant experience for your future career. And fortunately, you don’t have to search far and wide for such an opportunity—the Day 1 CPT program is all you need to get started.

What you should know about Day 1 CPT programs in the US

  • What is Day 1 CPT? 

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a program designed for F-1 visa holders in the US. It allows international students to gain work experience while obtaining their degrees, improving their career prospects, and preparing them for the professional world.

There are two types of CPT: regular CPT and Day 1 CPT. The greatest difference between the two is that the latter will allow you to start working as soon as your academic program begins, giving you a head start in your career. 

You may also apply for part-time or full-time CPT, depending on your schedule and your school’s requirements.

  • Are you eligible for Day 1 CPT?

Students with an F-1 visa are eligible to apply for CPT. Additionally; the program is only available for students who are enrolled in a full-time academic program for at least one year. 

  • Where can you apply for Day 1 CPT?

Many schools in the US offer Day 1 CPT for international students. They are located in various states around the country, such as Harrisburg University in Pennsylvania, Sofia University in California, and New England College in Massachusetts. 

These institutions also offer various degree programs in different fields, including, but not limited to, MS Data Science, MBA, MS Computer Science, and MS Information Technology. 

Planning to apply for the Day 1 CPT program? Work with an experienced educational consultant to obtain a personalized CPT university recommendation list and learn more about the application process now!


