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Ryan ZhangJul 13, 2023 12:00:00 AM2 min read

No Need to Rely on Your Boss’s Approval to Renew CPT! Here’re Day 1 CPT Universities that Employees Love! Plus Scholarships.

Many people who work at Google with Day 1 CPT experienced a close call last year 2022, before the H1B lottery submission.

The incident was triggered by a requirement from a law firm associated with Google, which stated that employees must provide proof of their current legal work status that can be maintained until October 1st; otherwise, they would not be eligible to apply.

When this policy was newly implemented, many Google employees approached us, inquiring whether they could request their Day 1 CPT universities to provide the necessary documentation.

Upon learning about this policy, we immediately contacted the admissions and international student offices of relevant schools. Several Day 1 CPT universities, especially those with CPT authorization that can be granted for one year at a time, confirmed their ability to provide the required documentation. However, some schools were uncertain about their stance. With the H1B application deadline approaching, we advised students to directly contact their Academic Advisors.

Advisors are often the individuals who possess the most comprehensive knowledge about the school. Eventually, after persistent persuasion, the school agreed to issue a letter stating that the student's current GPA ensured no issues for future CPT work authorization. With this letter, the company's lawyers successfully submited their H1B lottery applications!

Although this incident turned out to be a false alarm, the need to renew CPT every semester can be challenging. Having to rely on HR or supervisors to sign the CPT Renewal Form has caused inconvenience for many students. Moreover, there is always a risk that company policies may change or leadership may be replaced, potentially jeopardizing the right to use Day 1 CPT.

Today, I will share with you a list of schools that allow CPT renewal on an annual basis!


For those attending Day 1 CPT Universities that allow CPT renewal once a year, it is crucial not to forget to renew your CPT for the following year before the deadline! In the event of a gap, there could be a risk of engaging in unauthorized employment.

However, it's important to note that the frequency of CPT renewal is just one consideration among many when choosing a Day 1 CPT school. Students should evaluate various factors comprehensively when selecting a school.

**It's worth mentioning that for schools that insist on renewing CPT authorization every semester, CPT internships are considered part of the curriculum. As part of the natural course of registering for classes each semester, this approach seems more logical. It may also reduce the risk of receiving a Request for Evidence (RFE) during future H1B or green card applications. In a way, renewing CPT every semester helps mitigate potential risks in the long run.


Interested in Day 1 CPT or having status issues, CPTDog’s consultants can help!


Ryan Zhang

Social Media Specialist and host of the YouTube channel "Asian Talk" (now renamed "GoElite")